Hello! Iā€™m

Amdad Hussain Juned

Full Stack

I love working with both frontend and backend technologies. My passion lies in building robust web applications and solving problems creatively.

Over the years, I've taken on various freelance gigs and personal projects, creating websites and apps tailored to specific needs and challenges.

What really drives me? Ensuring people have a great experience using what I create, with code that's reliable, easy to manage, and adapts easily.

Amdad Hussain Juned

My Recent Works


  • Master's in Computer and System Science

    Stockholm University, Sweden ( - current)

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

    Leading University, Bangladesh ( - )


Full stack developer (Internship)


  • Developed Rest APIs using Nest JS.
  • Created pages, fetched data for front end, and deployed projects to AWS.
  • Updated/Fixed CSS issues.

Freelance web developer (Fiverr.com)


  • Built custom websites based on client designs.
  • Developed RESTful web applications using PHP Laravel.
  • Assisted existing teams remotely and built databases and table structures.

My skills

Contact Me

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